Hey Mom - How are you Really doing??


As a mom empowerment coach, I help moms escape burn out, overwhelm and exhaustion, by empowering them to take care of themselves. We live in a world where moms are conditioned to give up their identities and needs as they care for their families - especially when children are young. We are taught that so many of the tasks associated with building a life and home are gendered and so we take it all on. Over time, it’s so easy to lose yourself - to put down the interests and talents that make you YOU.

I help moms unlearn the habitual behaviors and beliefs ingrained in us by society and begin living life fully and with presence because I believe this is how we will ultimately change the system so our children may grow up in a different world.


Click HERE to learn more

  • "Julia’s coaching touched, improved, and inspired many – if not most aspects of my life. From easing the transition of a relocation, getting settled, and encouraging me to find my joys and make time for it – to clarifying my visions for a balanced wellness plan that was sustainable. I feel more confident in myself and calm about what life throws at me. This has, in turn, created a positive outlook for how I show up for my family, friends, colleagues and community. Thank you, Julia!"

  • “Julia held me accountable in just the right way. Through listening and encouragement I was able identify where I was blocked when I was recently transitioning into a new career. I found her wealth of knowledge and tools helpful as I was struggling with balancing “it all”. I continue to work with her as I find her coaching helps me continue to get over hurdles that come my way.”