What is the Fair Play Method?

The Fair Play Method (FPM) is a system designed to help couples rebalance household tasks in a way that benefits EVERYONE in the home. FPM is set up as a game with a deck of cards where “winning” means establishing harmony in the home, reigniting your relationship with your partner, and reclaiming time to pursue what lights you up.

 A communication system that helps to rebalance the invisible labor within the home.

reduce the chaos of daily life, strengthen your relationship,

and create space for what interests you.

Who is Fair Play right for?

This system will benefit anyone who is in a domestic partnership. In every relationship there is imbalance and so often it has occurred over time and without intention. To be clear this is about accountability and NOT blame and shame. We all play a role in perpetuating this and we can all play a role in fixing it.


  • It starts with a customizable deck of cards that you build with your partner and with the help of a Fair Play Facilitator. The goal of the game is to decide what is important to your family unit and methodically distribute the tasks of daily life among family members in a way that is equitable (NOTE: equitable - NOT equal!)

  • Every game has rules and the Fair Play Method is no exception:

    Rule 1: All Time is Created Equal

    Rule 2: Reclaim your Right to Be Interesting

    Rule 3: Start Where You Are Now

    Rule 4: Establish Your Values & Standards

  • When played correctly, winning the Fair Play game looks like a more harmonious home life, a strong and respectful partnership and time for each partner to reclaim what lights them up as individuals.


As a Certified Fair Play Method Facilitator, I am trained to guide couples through the process. My job is to mediate challenging conversations, de-mystify the process and ensure that it does not become overwhelming or contentious. The goal is sustaining change that benefits the ENTIRE family.

In addition to individual sessions, I also conduct workshops designed to introduce the Method, explain why it is so important and provide attendees with actionable tools to help facilitate Fair Play conversations at home. By providing effective language to my clients, they become empowered to begin to make the small changes that will ultimately change their lives for the better.

Every family can benefit from playing this game.

Contact me to learn more!